Thursday, November 1, 2007

It Is The Cure For The Blues The Fountain Of Youth Do You Know What It Is?

With all the lotions, potions and prescriptive concoctions that focus on reviving, restoring, maintaining a youthful appearance there is nothing that can compete with the youthful results of regular exercise. When it comes to washing away the blues, regular exercise slams other methods on results obtained and does not even carry the risk of a negative side effect.

While most of us would love to solve all of our problems with a quick fix solution that the drug industry loves to accommodate us all with, the truth is that getting up and moving regularly provides a better result than any lotion, potion or prescriptive concoction known to man when it comes to maintaining a youthful appearance or keeping the blues at bay। Even recreational drugs cannot compete with the feel good effects of regular exercise.

Teeth Whitening

Diet plans

Add to those benefits the significant health effects of regular exercise including avoiding type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, asthma, arthritis, certain cancers including colon cancer and the need for regular exercise becomes a no brainer. With all of those benefits it would seem logical that everyone in our society would be moving regularly and enjoying those many very real indisputable advantages for health and well being.

Sadly, the couch potatoes are winning and consequently the health statistics on the overall population is steadily declining. Presently in the U.S. nearly 60 million Americans are considered obese. More than 108 million adults are either obese or overweight. That means roughly 3 out of 5 Americans carry an unhealthy amount of excess weight.

In the meantime, the educational system continues to eliminate time for regular physical fitness while the youth in this country, and for the first time in history, are contracting medical conditions once only afflicting older adults as a result of issues related to weight.

If you are reading this and you have not been engaging in regular physical activity ask yourself why not? You have the time, just cut out one and a half hour of the 4 hours that most people spend watching T.V. each night or get up one half hour earlier than you are used to. If you feel too tired it is because you are not getting regular exercise.

There is no excuse for allowing yourself to feel less happy, less energetic, less confident or less anxious. There is no excuse for you allowing your body to go without that essential regular activity that it DOES NEED! Just because you feel you have been getting away with it so far the facts and health statistics in the US prove that you are living under a false belief.

The negative effects of not engaging in regular physical activities are going to catch up with you in time. You really are not getting away with anything and not engaging in regular exercise is not harmless. The facts are clear that our bodies require regular exercise and when you do not give your body what it requires, just like food and water, there is a consequence and it is not a good one.

Stop living in denial and stop pretending it does not matter. You know you want the results of regular exercise and you can have those results, all of them. The best news is it will not cost you a dime because you can take care of that need just by taking a walk or doing calisthenic type exercises in your living room. If you do not know what to do just do a general search on any engine with the word CALISTHENIC and there are an abundance of sites ready to help you out.

Potions, lotions and prescriptive concoctions have their place but whatever your plan make sure you are engaging in regular exercise because you will not need many or maybe even not any, potions, lotions or prescriptive concoctions to realize the fountain of youth or cure those blues if you do.

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