Monday, December 8, 2008

Slim Form Patch Touts Topical Approach As Superior

Review Summary

You may come to a point in your weight loss journey where you feel like you would try anything to mark some progress after a long period of stagnation. These moments can be dangerous if you end up with the wrong product though, as products like the Slim Form Patch may not offer anything innovative or new. Weight loss patches have been around for a while, but, naturally, the company says this version has an edge.

Ingredients at a Glance

Marine Algae, Mannitol, Chlorides and Potassium are some of the ingredients that are presumably included in this product. According to the company, the patch may also contain such nutrients as Sodium, Magnesium, Amino Acids, Calcium, Glucose, Iodine and Phosphates. Some dieters may find the inclusion of so many different nutrients appealing, though these may not be weight loss specific by any means.

Ingredients in Focus

Purported to stimulate the thyroid gland, the Slim Form Patch, according to advertisements, may affect the body’s metabolic rate. The company says that Marine Algae, also known as Bladder Wrack Extract, is the primary agent for this effect. Though Algae has long been linked to various health-promoting benefits due to the fact that it is rich in the nutrient Iodine, it may not pack the lasting punch most dieters are looking for in their dietary supplement.


· You can apply the patch and forget about it during the day

· The patch contains such nutrients as Potassium and Magnesium


· Topical approach has not been proven to be superior to oral supplementation

· The patch is not advertised as capable of suppressing the appetite at all

· The product may be expensive, especially compared to supplements

· A free sample offer is not extended to consumers at this time

· Results, if any, may not be long lasting

Final Thoughts

Perhaps using a topical product like the Slim Form Patch may be acceptable, if you were to take an oral supplement that has been proven to come through. But why juggle multiple products when you can stick to one? Using a patch to meet our weight loss goals may interest some dieters because it seems to be a novel idea, but novel ideas do not always come through with expected results. Nonetheless, we have provided additional resources at the links below for dieters who wish to learn more about the pros and cons of this weight loss patch, as well as some of the more reputable alternatives.

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